Monday, August 22, 2011

Laguna Photo Shoot

       It was a beautiful, slightly chilly afternoon down by the beach. The rocky steps led down to a large, weathered tree which had obviously been visited many times by the looks of the marks on it's trunk. Leaves littered the ground providing the feel of autumn in the middle of the summer. Further down the rocky steps there let out a beautiful view of the ocean in the distance, while bushes, plants, and "weeds" grew wild - a perfect scene for an outdoor shoot. Walk down the pathway to the left, and you find a house in the background and some more trees, some brush, and a wrought iron gate. Follow the path down and you hit the beach just as the sun starts to set - painting the sky and leaving for a gorgeous photo opportunity.
      The photoshoot was last minute; I received a message around 2:30PM and was getting the models ready around 3:00PM for a 5:00PM shoot. I was blessed to have received some great lessons through this experience and I look forward to more opportunities to apply these lessons in the future. I also have a new found respect for photographers, their art, dedication, and passion.

Lipstick & Loves,

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